Day 5-Holy Lovers

As for the saints who are on the earth,
“They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” NKJV
So I said to the Lord God,
“You are my Maker, my Mediator, and my Master.
Any good thing you find in me has come from you.”
And he said to me, “My holy lovers are wonderful,
my majestic ones, my glorious ones,
fulfilling all my desires.”  TPT

When you accepted Jesus, you became an excellent one who God delights in.  You are created to fulfill all His desires.  Can you wrap your head around that?  By becoming His holy lover, you are giving Him great pleasure, and a way for Him to fulfill His desires.
But what does it mean to be a holy lover?
To be a holy lover is to choose to be one.  It takes a commitment of time and energy to become intimate with God.
To be a holy lover is to walk with the Lord every minute of every day.  Everything you do will draw you closer to him or put up stumbling blocks to that intimate relationship. 

 To be a holy lover is to celebrate the gift that God gave to us; Jesus.  It is only because of Jesus's sacrifice that we can be a  lover of God.


To be a holy lover is to be in awe that He chose you as his lover.  As you understand this, you live each moment of the day filled with gratitude by the way you have been so richly blessed.


To be a holy lover is to desire His presence, not for all He does for us, but just because you love him. and desire to spend time with Him.


To be a holy lover is to want what He wants.  It is a journey of discovering who He is and what makes Him happy, then adjusting your life accordingly.

You may not see yourself that way, but God already sees you as His holy lover.  You are wonderful, majestic, glorious, and excellent in His eyes!   You, just as you are right this moment, fulfill His desires.  You don't have to change a thing about yourself to be His holy lover. You will discover that just being in His presence and loving him will take care of any changes that need to be made.

Take 3 x 3 - Practice becoming a holy lover. Take 3 minutes this morning, this afternoon, and again this evening to love on Jesus. Whisper your words of love to the Lord.


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