Day 15-Keep your Promises

Proverbs 12:22 TPT
Live in the truth and keep your promises,
and the Lord will keep delighting in you,
but he detests a liar.

I recently listened to a workshop on realizing your dreams. They discussed some roadblocks that hinder you from achieving those dreams. One of those roadblocks was the lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence is defined as a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.
 Self-confidence starts with trusting in the Lord. You need to believe the Lord has given you the ability, qualities, and judgment it will take for your dreams to be fulfilled.  When you believe what the Word says, and act on it, that is living in truth.
The next part says we should keep our promises. Do you realize that not keeping your promises will tear down your self-confidence? When you break trust with yourself, subconsciously, you are telling yourself that you can't be trusted.  Every broken promise undermines your confidence.  Even if no one else knows about it, you do and so does God.
When we make promises to someone else, we put in the effort to see that we keep them.   But what about the promises you make to yourself?  Are you as diligent to keep the promises you make to yourself, as you are at keeping promises you make to someone else?
Do you remember that dream or desire God placed in your heart, the one you are going for this year?  If you live in truth and keep your promises, the Lord will delight in you by fulfilling your dreams and desires. If you have missed the mark, ask for forgiveness. Put that way of living behind you and move forward living in truth. Be careful of the promises you make, even to yourself.  Rebuild your self-confidence by keeping the promises you make.

Grab your journal and invite the Holy Spirit to join you.  Review any promises you have made to yourself and God. Have you kept them? Did you really mean them or were they just something you thought you should promise?  Are the promises made from living your truth?  If you didn't keep them, why not?  Is there a pattern of breaking your promises?   Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden reasons that may be causing you to break those promises and not live in truth.  Now allow the Father to wipe the slate clean.  Determine in your heart that from this moment forward you will live in truth and keep your promises.


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