Day 12-Depend on His Strength

He does not delight in the strength (military power) of the horse,
Nor does He take pleasure in the legs (strength) of a man.
The Lord favors those who fear and worship Him [with awe-inspired reverence and obedience],
Those who wait for His mercy and loving-kindness.
Psalm 147:10 -11 AMP

You have sat with the Father and identified some dreams and goals.  Now it is full speed ahead!  You are excited and ready to make this happen.  YOU have got this, YOU will make it happen.
But wait! Your own leg power doesn't please the Lord.  He wants you to reach all your God-given dreams and goals, but not with just your own strength.
Those dreams and goals were given to you so God could work with you.  He wants it to be a joint effort, a collaboration between you, Him, and the angels He has assigned to those tasks.  He wants to shower you with favor on the journey to your achievements. It saddens Him if you go your own way to make it happen, and leave Him out of the process.  The time spent with you is more delightful to Him than the results.  And the results you will achieve on your own never come close to what He has planned. 
God is devoted to seeing His desire for you fulfilled, and He has the plan to make it happen.  Stay on the journey with Him, and eventually, you will achieve the results He has promised you.  Take every step of obedience, with awe-inspired reverence for what you are accomplishing together.  Rest in His strength, rely upon His mercy, and enjoy His favor. By the end of the journey, you will realize it was the fun of doing this together that matters most.  It wasn't only about fulfilling the dream or reaching a goal. It was the relationship you built with Him along the way that really pleases Him.

Write down any areas where you are attempting to make your dreams or goals happen without God. 
 Repent for trying to do it on your own. 
 Then ask God to join you on the journey. Spend a few minutes thanking Him for His goodness and faithfulness. 


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